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Monday, June 22, 2009

In Vegas NOW

Well we made it to Vegas yesterday morning ;-)
Saturday's Ride - OH MY... had terrible rain and thunder storm from EIy and over the moutains. We really got wet and so COLD. As if the rain were not enough we had tremendous winds with the rain.... then HAIL but thank goodness it came down just in front of us so we only saw all the white hail on the road and in the ditches -- looked like it had snowed. Just when we thought we were in the clear a huge elk jumped out in front of Dan as a semi was tucked behind me about to pass. I yellled deer over head set and dan slowed in time to miss it -- could not think fast enough to say what it really was. The way it leaped from the far right it looked like it was flying --hmmm.. with all the hail on roadthat looked like snow almost yelled Santa and one of his reindeer. I am sure the semi driver thought oh my these 2 bikers are in trouble... all ended well.

We were so cold that when we stopped in a 'middle of no-where bar' for coffee and warm up, I could not hold a cup of coffee with shiveringso much. The bar owner was sooooooooo sweet to us!

Then we made it over the 2 mountain passes and the SUN came out -- and the heat CAME.... in fact came so quick that there we were stripping on the side f the highway -- yup Dan was down t his underwear heheheh... said don't give shit if anyone sees us - we just had to get all f the wet clothes and rubber pant liners off. Yup now it was 104 degrees (handy to have a thermometer on my bike) we were in HEAVEN....

Then the Interstate highway to Mesquite -- gusting desert winds were so strong that when I loked at dan ahead of me his bike was leaning left and his head and body right -- yup we were getting blown around for 2 hrs on a 75mile/hr Interstate. We started at 8:30 that morning and got int Mesquite Neveda at 7:30 - WHAT can I say I had ALL kinds of riding experience!!! So times I was so scared but I would not have changed a thing fr the riding experience I got that day

I am GETTING closer to earning my NEW red HARLEY with white wall tires. Keep telling Dan if I manage to do all this trip and I am still willing to keep going for more experience that new HARLEY should come sooner than later and of course it has to be LOUD with lots of chrome!

I must say we are having the BEST holiday we have EVER had -- we talk constantly on the blue tooth head sets while riding. In fact we have talked more in last 5 days riding that in the last month I am sure.

Awesome...awesome holiday with SO much building riding skills for me--thank goodness for dan's patience.

will try t post pics soon -- leaving tomorrow at 6am headed t Bryce Canyon barring hail, WIND, rain, flying elk ;-)

dan and sharron

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - this sounds like a very scarey part of your trip - can hardly wait to see the pics - drive carefully

    doug and bernie
