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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bikes Are Polished Up!

Leader of the Pack.... Is Ready!

And just look how organized he is - see below!

Then there is me... pretending to be a biker

Bike is oh so shiny and bug free!

Now I have to figure out how to get these clothes into my bike bags and there is more on the bed too!

Then.... it is the makeup, curling iron, hair blower -- oh my I think we need a trailer!


  1. Can you believe that Dan is the only organized person in Canada??? This is really gonna be a LONG ride from him ... at least from the packing perspective! LOL

  2. Just wait till they get the shipping bill in the mail when they get home, from all the purchases that won't fit on the bikes! There is already a box started!!!

  3. I'm assuming you're attaching one of those U-haul trailers to the back of your bike. You don't expect me to believe those purse things on the side of the bikes can carry a whole bunch??

  4. That would be 'Saddle Bags' and I hear they stretch and bungie cords work well!
