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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In Utah - Mt Pleasant

Long day riding today we left Vegas at 6am cause 'big chicken me' wanted to try to beat some of the Interstate freeway traffic this morning -- JOKE.... they are all early risers in Vegas especially the truckers! Yup Interstate was filled with truck this morning -- hmm good news was there was NO wind on Interstate this morning so only tons of truck -- drafts to deal with. I made it with minimal sniveling and we made it out ;-)

Stopped in Mesqite for Starbucks coffee and breakie and that is what kept me going at 70 miles per hour. It is amazing what I can do when Dan bribes me with Starbucks coffee!

Rode through Zion Canyon today - wow!!!!!!!!!!! incredible especially when u do it on a motor bike - even rode through a 1.1 mile tunnel through the mountain. Hmmmm... can't say I like doin' tunnels on a bike

We rode until 7:30 this evening (350 miles today so it was long) the weather was 85 to 100 the entire ride today so it was wonderful riding!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I will try to upload some images of Zion Canyon

1 comment:

  1. What a great day it sounds like! I"m so glad I had the opportunity to meet you both and spend a lot of time with you!!!! Can wait to see you again .. guess it's my turn to go up to Canada. I'm now in Kansas .. really humid and sticky .. yuck!

    Been a long day for me as well and really need some sleep. Hopefully we'll get to connect and chat tomorrow.

    Cheers to a great day of riding!
