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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Herding Cattle on Motorbikes!

YUP -- tried our hand at herding cattle on motor bikes! BUT...no one told us that you herd them from behind the herd and NOT head on facing the herd! Needless to say we were not very successful... but oh so much FUN

CLICK on the photo for a close up
of the herd of cattle.

We only had time to snap one quick photo as the herd was very close and coming at us really fast - as u will see when you click on photo! Yikes.... we were surrounded and the cowboys told us to toot our horns and drive into the herd - yea right... I so did not want cow poop all over my bike as we were sitting much lower than all these cows ! we ended up sitting on the road as the herd came right at us and around us - THANK goodness NO poop on the bikes! that really was very cool to have 50+ cows all around us.

We are now in Afton Wyoming this evening - drove from 8am to 6pm so another fairly long day of riding. LOVE Wyoming -- great roads and scenery.

Tomorrow headed to The Grand Teton mountains and then off to Yellowstone National Park.

The weather angels were with us again today- 80+ all day (chilly in early morning) but warmed up quickly!!!

soooooooooooooo loving to ride!!!!!!!!!!!

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