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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mastered Herding Cattle - Buffalo today!!!!

CLICK on the photo to really see the photo! and BABY buffalo!!!!!

Today we went through Yellowstone National Park, got to see Old Faithful erupt and only waited 40 min to see it!! Have photos but camera battery died after uploading the buffalo photo

We were held up on highway for 40min with no idea why..THEN we found out...wild roaming buffalo decided the highway was a better way to go and there they were in the lane beside us. We had to start up our bikes and ride right by them as they started coming into OUR lane - shot they are big especially when u r on a bike and not protected like in a car. It was AMAZING and the baby was so adorable. We were really scared as we were not sure how protective mom would be at the same time as the buffalo wereright beside us, there were approx 6 more just above the ditch on the other side of us. The ones on the side of us looked interested in the ones on the road and started coming down tothe road. Needless to say, we could not take more pics and had to move. I was worried about starting the bikes and starting the ones on the road.... shot my heart was beating like crazy as we started our bikes and I kept watching the ones o the road. Hmmm.... as u may of gathered we were ok.

Only rode290 miles today due to EXTREME wind outside of Yellowstone Park- we thought winds were bad in Nevada outside of Mesquite but today we slowed from 70mile/hr to 30 and Dan was sure I would be blown over....man another scarey experience. I think the weather gods are getting us ready for the Lethbridge winds.

In order to make it to Calgary by tomorrow we have t ride approx 450 Miles - shot not sure we can do it. Well yesterday cattle herding,, today buffalo -- what will tomorrow bring??

In Livingston Montana tonight with hopes of being in Calgary tomorrow night for our daughters shower on Saturday. Sunday off to Edmonton, Monday to Viking and back to Calgary and Tuesday will try to ride all the way back to Nelson

BOY.... really hope I will be a REAL biker by then!!!

hugs dan and sharron


  1. Wow - how exciting - herding cows and buffalo - keep yourself on your machine and don't mingle with the locals - especially if they have 4 legs.....we're off to Squamish tomorrow, but will keep checking on your progress. Party in Calgary tonight eh - too much fun. Chat when you get home. Take care and be safe.
    Doug and Bernie

  2. Too cute Sharron! Thanks for sharing your blog - you are motivating me to learn how to ride!Have a great last leg of your trip.
    Lisa E
