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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Posting from my Blog

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where Are We?????

I think we are still in the USA.... on the Oregon Coast just south of Canon Beach. Tomorrow we will finish the Oregon Coast and head inland .... ah... to the HEAT again

Total 2910km to date!!!

.. more Ocean Pics

Driving in Redwood Forest

Pic is a little blurry -- Dan took the pic with only 1 hand while riding

Redwood Forest

First Close Up of the Ocean

... that is DAN in the middle... as he was slipping down the cliff -- just before a sneaker wave got him!

Dome Head Divas - us on a GOOD DAY!

Teddy in Reno!

Monday, August 31, 2009

No INTERNET on Sunday Night

Sorry all - we stayed in a one horse town last night - in the ONLY motel in town and can honesty say it was 'less than good' oh MY.... and they claimed to have Internet but we could not get logged on. What can I say.... it was quaint ;-)

Yesterday we left Reno and headed towards California -- it was nice and toasty warm +98 We stopped in Susanville and of course had to take a pic of Sue under the sign. The roads we very twisty and Don said Kaslo/New Denver does not hold a candle to the curves we went through yesterday.... no wonder I found them hard.

Today - MONDAY - we drove through the Redwood Forest which was absolutely amazing and then we SAW the ocean!!!! It got colder as the day went on and the winds got very strong in the afternoon but the scenery was awesome. We are in Winchester Bay Oregon tonight and staying at a nice motel close to the ocean. Great feed of seafood this evening.

Internet Connection is very weak and not able to upload photos ;-( will try tomorrow evening.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Had a great ride today to Reno - nice an toasty warm. No great photos to share today as there was nothing too exciting to see along the way. The 4 of us went to the BIG Harley Dealership here in Reno ... and guess what the FAT BOY seems to fit me the best (that would be a model of a Harley for those of you who are not riders) hmmmmm sure like them! Dan and I bought new half helmets as it is terribly HOT with the full face in this heat. Sue and Don picked up bike 'meshes' to help carry more STUFF. We are chilling in our rooms for a couple hrs and then headed out for the evening.

We will be here until Sunday morning so I will NOT be posting again until Sunday evening once we hit the northern coast of California! Hope to have some great photos to post Sunday evening ;-)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Crater Lake Oregon today!

WOW.... is all we can say about Crater Lake... the blue is just so amazing!!! We loved seeing Crater Lake. Hmmm... the ride up was a little scary (for me) but hey I did it! We were really cold riding this morning but it warmed up to 94 by afternoon. Tomorrow we are headed to Reno - for some Retail Therapy & leave deposits at the casinos and at the Harley Dealership. Tonight we are in Alturas California. We will be in Reno Friday and Saturday night and heading towards Eureka California on Sunday morning
Total kilometers to date: 1396
CLICK on the images below to see a larger version!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shaniko Oregon - Prime Realestate at a Steal

Check this out - the hotel below along with the icecream shop, RV lot and an old wagon shed are for sell for 3.5 million. buying this would mean you would pretty much own this entire little town!!!!!!! Hotel below is empty but in awesome shape! So many old buildings here like the original jail cells from the early 1900's - Shaniko Oregon

Tomorrow we will be in Crater Lake and Klamanth Falls and Friday in Reno!

This one is for Bob Henderson.....

Bob you will be so proud of me -- I have a NEW motorcycle accessory that is so NOT another frivolous chrome accessory!!!!! I have a new biker companion who will be riding with me on all my rides from now on ;-) Sure hope it will keep the big rig drivers from trying to run me off the road!!!

In Madris Oregon

Hey -- first our trip total to date is 890km. We are in Madris and Dan seems to think that is where the 'Wild Hogs' was shot hmmmm... boy I sure hope he is not looking for the 'sheriff'

Our first stop was the Columbia River Gorge- wow so beautiful and super windy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In Walla Walla Washington!

Great ride today! We met Sue and Don at 7am and headed out. Salmo was our first stop breakfast & coffee. It was really cold riding this morning to Nelson and a guy in Salmo told us it was only +4 this morning ;-( No wonder I was having problems on the curves... my knees were shaking and banging the gas tank (not FEAR... COLD)

It only got better in terms of heat and by the time we got to Colfax it was 83 and Snake River it was 90. So nice and warm!!!!! Now that was the good news and the bad news was I ran out of gas again -- you know Dan keeps saying oooooooo you have enough gas and hmmmmm... had to switch to reserve! Boy not alot of towns between Colfax and Dayton but really nice country! The only pic we took today was in Salmo having breakfast.

Spent evening in wonderful downtown Walla Walla and a nice outdoor restaurant.
Plan to go as far as Bend Oregon (Crater Lake area) tomorrow and then check out Crater Lake either late tomorrow or next day.

Will have more pics tomorrow -- for today only 1 pic

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mastered Herding Cattle - Buffalo today!!!!

CLICK on the photo to really see the photo! and BABY buffalo!!!!!

Today we went through Yellowstone National Park, got to see Old Faithful erupt and only waited 40 min to see it!! Have photos but camera battery died after uploading the buffalo photo

We were held up on highway for 40min with no idea why..THEN we found out...wild roaming buffalo decided the highway was a better way to go and there they were in the lane beside us. We had to start up our bikes and ride right by them as they started coming into OUR lane - shot they are big especially when u r on a bike and not protected like in a car. It was AMAZING and the baby was so adorable. We were really scared as we were not sure how protective mom would be at the same time as the buffalo wereright beside us, there were approx 6 more just above the ditch on the other side of us. The ones on the side of us looked interested in the ones on the road and started coming down tothe road. Needless to say, we could not take more pics and had to move. I was worried about starting the bikes and starting the ones on the road.... shot my heart was beating like crazy as we started our bikes and I kept watching the ones o the road. Hmmm.... as u may of gathered we were ok.

Only rode290 miles today due to EXTREME wind outside of Yellowstone Park- we thought winds were bad in Nevada outside of Mesquite but today we slowed from 70mile/hr to 30 and Dan was sure I would be blown over....man another scarey experience. I think the weather gods are getting us ready for the Lethbridge winds.

In order to make it to Calgary by tomorrow we have t ride approx 450 Miles - shot not sure we can do it. Well yesterday cattle herding,, today buffalo -- what will tomorrow bring??

In Livingston Montana tonight with hopes of being in Calgary tomorrow night for our daughters shower on Saturday. Sunday off to Edmonton, Monday to Viking and back to Calgary and Tuesday will try to ride all the way back to Nelson

BOY.... really hope I will be a REAL biker by then!!!

hugs dan and sharron

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Herding Cattle on Motorbikes!

YUP -- tried our hand at herding cattle on motor bikes! BUT...no one told us that you herd them from behind the herd and NOT head on facing the herd! Needless to say we were not very successful... but oh so much FUN

CLICK on the photo for a close up
of the herd of cattle.

We only had time to snap one quick photo as the herd was very close and coming at us really fast - as u will see when you click on photo! Yikes.... we were surrounded and the cowboys told us to toot our horns and drive into the herd - yea right... I so did not want cow poop all over my bike as we were sitting much lower than all these cows ! we ended up sitting on the road as the herd came right at us and around us - THANK goodness NO poop on the bikes! that really was very cool to have 50+ cows all around us.

We are now in Afton Wyoming this evening - drove from 8am to 6pm so another fairly long day of riding. LOVE Wyoming -- great roads and scenery.

Tomorrow headed to The Grand Teton mountains and then off to Yellowstone National Park.

The weather angels were with us again today- 80+ all day (chilly in early morning) but warmed up quickly!!!

soooooooooooooo loving to ride!!!!!!!!!!!

Mileage update for trip

Today we rode: 368 MILES (610 km)

Total miles rode so far on our trip: 2016 (3360km)

Expect to ride approx: 5000km

...sure hope I will be a REAL biker by the time I return ;-)

MAN.... no wonder we are so tired every evening -- takes alot of work riding!

Wyoming Photos!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Zion Canyon Images

In Utah - Mt Pleasant

Long day riding today we left Vegas at 6am cause 'big chicken me' wanted to try to beat some of the Interstate freeway traffic this morning -- JOKE.... they are all early risers in Vegas especially the truckers! Yup Interstate was filled with truck this morning -- hmm good news was there was NO wind on Interstate this morning so only tons of truck -- drafts to deal with. I made it with minimal sniveling and we made it out ;-)

Stopped in Mesqite for Starbucks coffee and breakie and that is what kept me going at 70 miles per hour. It is amazing what I can do when Dan bribes me with Starbucks coffee!

Rode through Zion Canyon today - wow!!!!!!!!!!! incredible especially when u do it on a motor bike - even rode through a 1.1 mile tunnel through the mountain. Hmmmm... can't say I like doin' tunnels on a bike

We rode until 7:30 this evening (350 miles today so it was long) the weather was 85 to 100 the entire ride today so it was wonderful riding!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I will try to upload some images of Zion Canyon

Retail Therapy in Vegas

Dan went golfing in Vegas with the guys from NewPatientsInc.com yesterday and so enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!! While he was busy golfing I was out with Gary & Terry power shopping - way to much fun.

Spent the evening with everyone from NewPatientsInc wonderful time!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

In Vegas NOW

Well we made it to Vegas yesterday morning ;-)
Saturday's Ride - OH MY... had terrible rain and thunder storm from EIy and over the moutains. We really got wet and so COLD. As if the rain were not enough we had tremendous winds with the rain.... then HAIL but thank goodness it came down just in front of us so we only saw all the white hail on the road and in the ditches -- looked like it had snowed. Just when we thought we were in the clear a huge elk jumped out in front of Dan as a semi was tucked behind me about to pass. I yellled deer over head set and dan slowed in time to miss it -- could not think fast enough to say what it really was. The way it leaped from the far right it looked like it was flying --hmmm.. with all the hail on roadthat looked like snow almost yelled Santa and one of his reindeer. I am sure the semi driver thought oh my these 2 bikers are in trouble... all ended well.

We were so cold that when we stopped in a 'middle of no-where bar' for coffee and warm up, I could not hold a cup of coffee with shiveringso much. The bar owner was sooooooooo sweet to us!

Then we made it over the 2 mountain passes and the SUN came out -- and the heat CAME.... in fact came so quick that there we were stripping on the side f the highway -- yup Dan was down t his underwear heheheh... said don't give shit if anyone sees us - we just had to get all f the wet clothes and rubber pant liners off. Yup now it was 104 degrees (handy to have a thermometer on my bike) we were in HEAVEN....

Then the Interstate highway to Mesquite -- gusting desert winds were so strong that when I loked at dan ahead of me his bike was leaning left and his head and body right -- yup we were getting blown around for 2 hrs on a 75mile/hr Interstate. We started at 8:30 that morning and got int Mesquite Neveda at 7:30 - WHAT can I say I had ALL kinds of riding experience!!! So times I was so scared but I would not have changed a thing fr the riding experience I got that day

I am GETTING closer to earning my NEW red HARLEY with white wall tires. Keep telling Dan if I manage to do all this trip and I am still willing to keep going for more experience that new HARLEY should come sooner than later and of course it has to be LOUD with lots of chrome!

I must say we are having the BEST holiday we have EVER had -- we talk constantly on the blue tooth head sets while riding. In fact we have talked more in last 5 days riding that in the last month I am sure.

Awesome...awesome holiday with SO much building riding skills for me--thank goodness for dan's patience.

will try t post pics soon -- leaving tomorrow at 6am headed t Bryce Canyon barring hail, WIND, rain, flying elk ;-)

dan and sharron

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Scenery pics in Idaho

First photo below we stopped at a Farmer's Market and meet so many of the locals - way too much fun - Smith's Ferry Idaho. Local lady insisted on taking our photo for us! Salmon River below - absolutely beautiful riding through the canyon roads.

Off to Ely Nevada tomorrow - BRING ON THE HEAT!

Motel In Mountain Home Idaho

NewMeadow, Salmon River, Boise & Mountain Home Idaho

Today was another great day of riding. So many twisty canyon roads AND my first Interstate Highway. Sun all day and 80 by the time we got to Boise, Idaho. Fabulous scenery and so many wonderful people along the way.

In Mountain Home for the evening and staying a hmmmm.... might I say a quaint motel... so quaint I think we might bring the motorbikes into our room for the night.

Trouble with the 'Shady Rest Motel connection so not sure if I can upload photos today.. will try again

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

End of first day riding

In Grangeville Idaho - I made it ;-)

First Stop Salmo for Coffee

Dan had me rushing to be on the road at 6:30 and the bribe of coffee in Salmo worked well.

In Grangeville - Idaho!

We made it to Idaho today - travelled 334 MILES today! The ride went really well but had a little rain and a strong head wind from south of Spokane all the way to Grangeville.

I managed to keep up with Dan and REALLY enjoyed the day of riding.

Will post photos in 5 mine

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You can now POST Comments to our BLOG

We will be checking for your comments ;-) Be Nice ;-)

Bikes Are Polished Up!

Leader of the Pack.... Is Ready!

And just look how organized he is - see below!

Then there is me... pretending to be a biker

Bike is oh so shiny and bug free!

Now I have to figure out how to get these clothes into my bike bags and there is more on the bed too!

Then.... it is the makeup, curling iron, hair blower -- oh my I think we need a trailer!