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Friday, June 4, 2010

Live from Wells Nevada!

Hello All!

BAD NEWS... (hmmm same news) It was pouring like mad in Twin Falls this morning!
GOOD NEWS... we were in the Harley Shop all morning getting my first Harley medical and by the time the Harley docs were done - so was the rain!

GOOD NEWS for Dan - I did not buy anything in the Harley Store so he is really smilin'  Hmm... look out Vegas!

So I think the 'Rain Angel' was feeling kinda bad about how wet 'he' got us over the past few days and decided to try and make things RIGHT.  He hit us with 3hrs of WIND and we are not talking mild breeze but instead winds in the range of 50 miles per hr (that is what the locals told us) and we sure believe them after what we went through!

MORE GOOD NEWS -- we are now DRY!  I must say the 200 extra pounds of weight with my new bike helped to kinda keep me in my lane on the highway.  I think the trucker behind me for part of the trip stayed behind because he found it entertaining to watch me try and keep my bike on the road OR ... was he afraid to pass me??

Tomorrow we are headed to Ely Nevada and ya know it actually looks like we JUST we might get SUN and NO rain ;-)

p.s.  After dinner this evening Dan decided to play the slot machines and won $75!!

Cheers Dan and Sharron

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