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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hogback Pass... on our way to Moab

Ok the locals warned us about the absolutely scenic route to take to Moab...but it comes with a price!  You must go over Hogback Pass (Google it to see & learn more) is what can I say OMG.  Here is some info about it:
  • road rides along a narrow crest of a ridge
  • approx 1 mile long
  • at times the ridge is NO wider that the road itself
  • 2foot should and then drop off on BOTH sides of the road of approx 500 vertical feet
  • twisty.... windy road
  • NO stopping signs were posted for this area - LIKE we would want to STOP???
We grabbed some pics from the Internet since we DID NOT stop... oh should I mention I don't know what I was more scared of... the drop off on both sides or the fact it was raining like crazy and I could not see very well????

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