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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In Lewiston!

Well we finally left at 8:30 this morning even though I voted to wait for the rain to STOP. 
GOOD NEWS - got some great experience riding in the rain!!!

BAD NEWS - it rained the ENTIRE trip to Lewiston!!!!!!!  

We are soooooooooo praying for sun and even just a little bit of heat tomorrow!  We really enjoyed the scenery along the way here... everything is so green and lush -- go figure... could it be ALL the rain they have been getting down here?  Dan tried cheering me up today by saying 'I bet there will be flowers in the desert this trip... hmmm due to all of the rain everyone is getting down here ;-)

All and all trip went very well and I SOOOOOOOO love riding my Harley... she has some REAL power!  Sorry no pics today as it was just way tooooooooooooo wet.

Signed 'Soggy Riding Boots'

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