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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sept5th on the Road again.

Well here we are on the road again.  We got away in good time this morning (no rain) at about 0745 hrs.  Crossed the boarder at Wanita near Trail, the boarder guard was a bit of a dip shi??. but no matter he let us through.  Traveled south to Kettle Falls and went straight down Hwy 21 from there.  Very little traffic, good road and great scenery, until Davenport were the roads straightened out and became a little boring, much to Sharron's delight.   Stopped for lunch in Odessa and were invited to return on the 18th for a fall fair.  The people were very friendly.  From here it was on to Hwy 395 and a quick ride to Kennewick, which is home for the night at the Super 8.  Traveled 513 Km today.  Not as much as Randy and I did in August but far enough.  Will try to take more photos tomorrow.

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