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Monday, September 13, 2010

Sept 13 On The Road Again

Sharron looking over the Pandament Valley on Hwy 178 north of Ridgecrest.

One of two f18 fighter jets that were giving us a show in the Pandament Valley.......I think they were using us for "Target Practice"

Sharron at the Sand Dunes near Stove Pipe Springs in Death Valley.  Only around 110 Degrees
Trying out a different photo of Sharron and I in the Hub Cap of her bike.

Left Ridgecrest at 8 am this morning and traveled north on Hwy 178 and were entertained for about 20 minutes while two F18 Fighter Jets used us for target practice.  They flew right over us, so close that Sharron's Helmet rattled at least Thats the reason she gave.  Tried to take pictures but missed most.  We then went on to Furnace Creek, Death Valley and the Las Vegas for a total of 356 km to day.  The total so far this trip is 3313km.

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