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Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept 6th. On The Road Again

Rode 670km today!!
Got away from Kennewick this morning at 8 am and boy oh boy it was just a little bit cool.  But we persevered.  Went on hwy 395 then Interstate 84 to Pendleton, Or.  Freeway no fun.  From Pendleton we turned south on Hwy 395 and in was twisty for the next 120 miles to John Day.  It straightened out for a while then got twisty again :) ..   Got to Burns, Or. at around 2:30 pm which was to be our stop for the night but it was to early we both thought why not continue to Lakeview, Or. ( a long and straight road with no traffic or any towns for that matter).   Arrived here at 5:30 and had to stay in a Best Western as Sharron couldn't find a "Shady Rest" that suited her.  (They wouldn't let us bring our bikes inside.)  All and all it was a good day of riding but a little cold for the most of the time.  Oh yah we had to stop and take a picture of our bikes at the turn off for Christmas Valley in the middle of nowhere as we thought that was rather unique.  Add more tomorrow.  :)

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