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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

On the Road Again Sept 5th

Got up this morning went out to get the bikes clean for the days ride and something was amiss!  There was no smoke in the air and I could breathe again.
Got off to a later start today at 9am.  Headed south from Kremmerer on Hwy 189 to Sate Hwy 414 which took us to the south west corner of Flaming Gorge Nat'l Rec Area in Utah.

This Hwy near the gorge was a very twisty Road similar to Bears Tooth pass. from here we turned south on Hwy 44 then 191 into Vernal.  Clean blue skies.  Stopped in Vernal Ut. for lunch and spoke with a couple of bikers from New York who had come through Steamboat Springs and they informed us that one of the mountains near Steamboat was on fire.  They woke up to ash on their bikes.  Guess wear Sharron wanted to go, so back we go into the smoke.  Spent the night in Steamboat Springs, good news is I had a great steak dinner.  Traveled 512 km today.  Took both bikes to a car wash tonight, it's fun trying to clean the bikes in the dark.  Oh well anoather good day

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