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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Moab, Ut. to Mexican Hat, Ut.

Got on the road in good time and the weather is clear and sunny if a bit cool but nothing we can't handle.  Heading south on Hwy 191 our aim is to make it to Mexican Hat today.  Got as far as Blanding and turned west on Hwy 95 to have a look at Natural Bridges Nat'l. Monument.  This was well worth the side trip as the canyon was spectacular and we were able to see (at a distance) some ancient Indian habitat in the bottom of a canyon.

After seeing this area we had two options to finish our days trip.  One was to return to Blanding and then turn right on Hwy 191 and then on to Mexican Hat a trip of about 70 miles or take a short cut down Hwy 261 scenic trip along a river through a canyon a trip about 35miles long.  But and this was a fairly big but.  Hwy 261 started out going down a very steep narrow gravel road with lots of hairpin turns.  In the interest of all I opted for the longer safer route.

When we got to Mexican Hat and were in our hotel and nice and relaxed here was the view we were presented with, it was worth it.

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