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Friday, October 12, 2012

Home at last?

Once again we were unable to add to the blog since Lakeview, Oregon because of slow internet connections.  We left Lakeview and travelled along Hwy 395 to Pendleton, Or.

 Along the way we passed a rather large alkali lake called Albert Lake.  We had to stop for a rest as the morning was some what colder than we had gotten use to lately.   There appeared to be frost on the ground when we started. So a warm up was required.
 After spending the night in Pendleton we decided to stay off the freeways and headed up Hwy 12 through Walla Walla, Wash.  A few miles (40 or 50) past Walla Walla (the onion capital of Washington if anyone's interested.) we happened along a sign which said "Starbuck" turn left on Hwy 261.  Well guess what it didn't mean Starbucks Coffee!!!  But we found a great place to eat and get a picture taken of Guess who.

What we accidentally found was a very nice and quiet road that was full of twisty turns and beautiful scenery so all was not lost.
 Stopped for the Night in Davenport Wash.  a small town west of Spokane with two small motels.  This was the better of the two.  The good news was that it was very clean and cozy.  Guess how it was decorated.  The picture to the right shows the Motel office and restaurant.  The one below the motel.

The following morning we got up early to leave and found out the temperature had fallen to -3 c.  We didn't leave until 10 am.  After a chilly ride we took a short break in NorthPort for some fresh as in cooked this morning apple pie, we arrived home at around 2:30pm.

We all agreed that we had a great time and are already planning the next ride.

We travelled a total of 6,421 km in 18 days through 6 States, with temperatures ranging from -3 degrees C (27F) to 43 degrees C (110F), Altitudes from over 10,000 ft to -282ft below sea level and through it all the four us of still remain friends (I think!!!!).

But for all this its Good to be Home!

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